Lost Skunk Procedure

Our worst fear is our skunk "getting out". Be prepared in case this happens:

Rescue Procedure List

  1. Don’t panic. Call on friends to come over and help you look while you call out their name (some skunks get spooked by a stranger calling out their name).
  2. Make sure your skunk actually got outside... search to be sure he isn't hiding in the house (check underneath everything as they can flatten themselves out and squeeze through very small spaces; check to see if heater vents have been taken up; look down the fire place hole; check closets as some can climb up).
  3. Once you know for sure your skunk got out then proceed with the following steps:

  4. While you are out looking, have another person make up flyers with a picture and place flyers all over the neighborhood’.
  5. Alert the neighbors - make everyone aware he is a domestic skunk and will not spray and that he may be out during day light hours.
  6. Call your local television and radio station as well as the newspaper.
  7. Call an Animal Communicator such as:
  8. Call the police, wildlife officer, animal control, pet stores, vets, post office, mail carrier, any delivery services, meter readers, and rehabbers in the area. Again, make everyone aware he is a domestic skunk.
  9. Set several live traps outside with: his blanket/your clothing, favorite food, cheese or peanut butter. Cover trap with his blanket and tarp in case of rain.
  10. Look for signs of where he traveled, such as little holes that have been dug, poop, etc.
  11. If your skunk is on a feeding schedule make certain you are out looking for him at the time he is usually fed.
  12. Look in culverts, gardens, holes in logs, under porches, in other people’s garages, under buildings, in other animals holes, behind a bush, near the garbage, around the cats and their dishes.
  13. If you think your skunk is down a ground hog hole/under a building/other area, sprinkle flour around the opening. This will show skunk tracks coming or going.
  14. Keep in mind that skunks can travel several miles.

  15. If your skunk is bonded to you then place your dirty clothes/underwear around the traps. Some owners have spread their own urine around the yard to attract their skunk to come home.

  16. Will your skunk back home. In your mind (use your third eye), will your skunk to come back to where he walked away from. See in your mind’s eye your yard or garage, call his name, tell him to come back to wherever you "will" him to. Send an image to him. Tell him to be careful of the big black hard surface.
  17. Set up camp outside. Sleep out under the stars in a sleeping bag.

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